Angle of Incidence
Still Life Paintings
May 3 - 26, 2013
Marie Riccio’s still life paintings explore the effects of the “Angle of Incidence,” the angle at which a ray of light strikes a surface. Through direct observation, she focuses on the color and quality of light, sensing its influence on an object as it moves and bends, reflecting and refracting through space. In this way, she works at understanding color’s ability to convey light.
Ms. Riccio’s paintings embody both what she sees and her emotional response to her subject, as she chooses objects that appeal to her because of their form, color, and surface. The tension between realism and abstraction is evident in her work as she breaks down color into simple shapes, and explores the level of detail necessary to convey light and describe a form.
The Artists' Gallery
4 E. Church St., Frederick, MD 21701 • 301-696-8187
Q&A article with Marie Riccio:
Gazette article:
(To view a few highlights of the exhibit click on image above.)